Welcome to the

The (Re)generation:

A community of like-minded human beings who care for planet and people.

Humans who agree that we need to replenish our land and make positive change. These changes we make, contribute to reversing climate change and safeguarding our future. Maybe you’ll begin to compost at home, maybe you’ll spread the word. (No one’s checking though - this is in your hands) but we’re here to help you along the way.

Need convincing, check out WHY regenerative living is so important.

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We’re calling on 16% of New Zealanders to live more regeneratively.


At Edible Earth, we’re re-examining how we can take a regenerative approach to the mountains of food waste we create on a daily basis. Us humans have botched nature’s eco-systems, we take from the earth (food) yet we don’t give back, instead we give our waste to landfills which creates a glitch in nature’s perfectly designed regenerative model. This depletes our soil, which has harsh effects on the quality of our food, our people and, ultimately, our planet. We know that through composting and regeneration we can starve our landfills and improve our soil health in our homes, schools, businesses, in fact on any unused land that takes ya fancy. The best part? It’s an extremely simple, enjoyable and very realistic way to lower our carbon footprint whilst positively contributing to the global fight against climate change. So simple in fact, that we think it’s been overlooked. Healthy soil, happy people.

We got our hands on a study which states that if we can get 16% of all New Zealanders to live regeneratively we will have enough impact on corporations to change the way they produce their food products and handle their waste. This is only the tipping point, following the 16% we want the remaining 84% to follow suit. 


16% of New Zealanders is approximately 800,336 human beings. That is more than the combined populations of Wellington and Christchurch. It’s not a small feat.

Are you with us?


The time is now. The power is with us; the people. We are the generation to make this change, to own the regenerative movement. 

We must lead the way for future generations to come. We must create food resilience and food security for our children, and their children. We cannot leave this to anybody else. 

We’re calling all humans. We invite you to raise your voice by sharing our content, planting a climate garden or composting your food waste, and join us on our mission to create a more regenerative New Zealand.

Simply sign up to our newsletter for regular (but not too regular, we’re not monsters) updates on how to compost, seasonal gardening tips and how-to’s and interesting words on why soil is so important to the health of our planet and people. So good that you might want to share with a friend… and that right there is what the (Re)generation is all about.

Can’t wait to get started? Click on the images below to start your journey, or sign up to join us.

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